Kita-Awaji Agricultural Tourism Cooperation Council
About us
The Kita-Awaji Agricultural Tourism Cooperation Council
is working to promote tourism and revitalize the Kita-Awaji area by taking advantage of its easy accessibility to metropolitan regions and the Awaji Island brand.
To make the Kita-Awaji area a community-wide overnight stay, we established a regional council with the participation of all the organizations involved in lodging, meals, and experiences.
We utilize the rich natural environment of the area, a variety of events are held regularly throughout the four seasons, and we invite vacationers from outside the area, long-term residents, and tourists from overseas to participate, to show the attractiveness of the region, and to enjoy local cuisine using local ingredients, leading to an increase in the number of people involved and revitalization of the area. We will also enjoy the local cuisine using local ingredients.
The Kita-Awaji Agricultural Tourism Cooperation Council
Basic Information
(Core Corporation)
Awajishima Gurumeya Co., Ltd.
Member of Hyogo Products Association
Five-Star Selected Products
Dried Tomatoes
Address and contact information of the secretariat
The Kita-Awaji Agricultural Tourism Cooperation Council
Project Implementation Organization Chart
Representative: MITANI Kumiko
Awajishima Gurumeya Co.
Successor in title in person absence: MITANI Satonori
Awajishima Gurumeya Co.
Core Organization:
Awajishima Gurumeya Co.Ltd.
Business Support:
General Incorporated Association of Japan Institute of Regional Innovation
Regional Development Events:
The Kita-Awaji Agricultural Tourism Cooperation Council
Awaji Country Garden
Hyogo Prefecture Lifestyle Research Group Council Kita-Awaji Tsuta no Kai
Promotional support:
Regional Co-Creation Business Division, Regional Co-Creation Business Department, Agricultural Cooperative Tourism Co.,Ltd.
Mobile Yell
Financial Institution Awaji Shinkin Bank